
Pike Life Lessons

Decent Essays

Over the past three seasons we have seen quite some villains on the show. Most of them were grey-ish: they had the right intentions but not the right methods. Think of Diana Sydney, Queen Anya, Dante Wallace, Queen Nia. There were some less redeemable villains like Cage Wallace and there are a few that are just downright unlikeable (remember Dr. Lorelei Tsing?). However, Pike takes unlikeable villains to new dimensions. Nothing that the show has done has made him even a bit likeable. I want him dead and the sooner he dies, the better it will be. His character comes off as a one-dimensional villain that only cares about killing Grounders. His argument that every Grounder is the same is bullshit, and if he doesn't see that he must be blind. …show more content…

I read a review somewhere that said the members of Arkadia are now the Grounders, while the Grounders are now the peacemakers. Pike's message to Indra ("Leave or die") parallels the message from the Commander to Jaha back in season 2 and shows how things have drastically changed. I will say it again: this show moves at a rapid speed, but sometimes it moves too quickly. In Pike's case, it might have made him a bit more likeable or understandable if we had actually seen what he and his Farm Station went through. When Lost added the tail section to the main survivors in season 2, it had an entire episode with flashbacks that showed what the tail section survivors had gone through. I know The 100 has a limited number of episodes per season, but I feel like it could have served them well if they had done a similar episode. We briefly heard what Farm Station went through, but it would have made more impact if we had really seen that through flashbacks. Plus, it would give us a chance to meet Monty's father, and who doesn't want …show more content…

What's interesting is that this episode revealed that ALIE can only be seen by those that take her pills. However, this contradicts with what we saw in the previous episodes. In the premiere and episode 2, Murphy saw ALIE without taking a pill. This episode showed that Pike couldn't see ALIE when he was talking to Jaha. Also, Raven did not see her until after she had taken the pill. I am curious to see how that works and how exactly that bag works that Jaha carries around with him. I do hope that ALIE's storyline doesn't get too supernatural. It seemed like Raven's leg just miraculously healed. We also saw that Jaha said to Otan to go the other side where ALIE would be waiting for him. I must admit that the storyline has me intrigued

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