
Pipeline Welding : A Job

Good Essays

Braeden Farrar Mr. Ron Ramage
English 4
Pipeline Welding Pipeline welding is a job that consists of welders joining industrial sized pipes to each other in order for them to transport gasses, oil, and many other various substances across the country. The pieces of pipe are joined by electrically fusing molten metal to make the two pieces one. These pipes can stretch for thousands of miles and can be found all around the world. This job may overlooked in today’s time, but it is a very important feature that keeps this country running.
The first reason most people apply for this job is because they enjoy it at first. What is the point of choosing a job that one will loathe? A miserable job will only make for a miserable life.. …show more content…

Welders generally have a year or less of training before they are out working in the field. Apart from passing certification tests, there is very little required training needed to start working. This reason alone appeals to many people simply because of the lack of a long term education and costly schooling. Many state paid schools offer free or discounted costs for an education with some programs such as the Tennessee Promise Program or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (or the FAFSA). These programs offer great chances for people who may not be able to afford schooling an education to get the job they desire. These opportunities listed are there for anyone who is willing to take the challenge.
Welding is a very good trade to know and can be very helpful in a wide variety of jobs. Although it is not required in all workplaces or jobs, it could make one more of an asset to their employer. Many jobs have machines, tools, and other necessary pieces of equipment that may break or need something welded to them. Knowing to weld is a great tool and will put one far ahead of most people. Many people know how to weld, but very few are good enough to be considered professional. A person should always aspire to be the best in each field of work that they are involved in.
Pipeline welders are offered the opportunity to travel all over the world to almost anywhere of their

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