
Welding Career Paper

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Career Research Paper
Although there are many career choices out there in the world I would love to be in the career in welding for multiple reasons. I chose this career because i love the fact that there's multiple different types of welding positions, and it's a great trade to meet new people and work hard in.i decided on this career because i have had experienced with some welding and i enjoyed it. i even researched some different techniques you can use to weld different types of metal. There are specific personality types or skills required for this career. some are interpersonal skills such as being self motivated. Also having a skill of problem solving will help to. “Math and science skills are used daily for welders because they have …show more content…

“ The required skills for welding is to be able to shape and join metal” (Virginia Tech 1). Also they need to be able to fill in cracks and holes in all kinds different type of metal. I'm suited for this job mostly because of me willing to further my knowledge in the field and to do my best in whatever career i choose to do. I have great personality traits that will help me in this career field. I have a self motivating personality that will help me to overcome any situation that is a struggle. Also i have a positive outlook on what goals i have to better myself in everything. You have to at least have a high school diploma or equivalent to that and you have to have some certification of …show more content…

Also having more experience is also essential because without the experience you wouldn't have a great amount of pay. The way the employer sees it is that if you don't have the experience and someone else does then the employer will mostly choose the person that has more experience. The salary also depends on what type of certification you have and where you have worked before. The salary range can always can go up depending on how hard you work and how long you work. If you work on the holidays then you could end up making more money than you normal range of

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