Career Research Paper
Although there are many career choices out there in the world I would love to be in the career in welding for multiple reasons. I chose this career because i love the fact that there's multiple different types of welding positions, and it's a great trade to meet new people and work hard in.i decided on this career because i have had experienced with some welding and i enjoyed it. i even researched some different techniques you can use to weld different types of metal. There are specific personality types or skills required for this career. some are interpersonal skills such as being self motivated. Also having a skill of problem solving will help to. “Math and science skills are used daily for welders because they have
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“ The required skills for welding is to be able to shape and join metal” (Virginia Tech 1). Also they need to be able to fill in cracks and holes in all kinds different type of metal. I'm suited for this job mostly because of me willing to further my knowledge in the field and to do my best in whatever career i choose to do. I have great personality traits that will help me in this career field. I have a self motivating personality that will help me to overcome any situation that is a struggle. Also i have a positive outlook on what goals i have to better myself in everything. You have to at least have a high school diploma or equivalent to that and you have to have some certification of …show more content…
Also having more experience is also essential because without the experience you wouldn't have a great amount of pay. The way the employer sees it is that if you don't have the experience and someone else does then the employer will mostly choose the person that has more experience. The salary also depends on what type of certification you have and where you have worked before. The salary range can always can go up depending on how hard you work and how long you work. If you work on the holidays then you could end up making more money than you normal range of
The skills needed for welding are a steady hand for clean weldings, a stable head for welding in difficult or stressful positions, you need to be able to do at least basic math, also endurance, and problem solving.
I have also learned about the different types of welding, certifications you can earn, and what some career options there are for welders. There are several different types of welding some of them are Gas Metal Arc (MIG),Gas Tungsten Arc (TIG),Shielding Metal Arc (Stick), and Flux Cored welding.A few types of welding certifications are Certified Welding Engineer that is where they contract documents, buildings, or jurisdiction laws may require technical services to be performed under a certified engineer. There is Certified Robotic Arc Welding that is where it allows welding personnel in various sectors to measure themselves against standards for their occupation, and there is a Certified Welding Supervisor who
First, I will cover how to become a pipeline welder. Pipeline welders usually start work by earning a welding certificate. Next, they will generally take up an apprenticeship that lasts three to four years. During this apprenticeship, they will shadow current welders and learn how to perform well under the conditions they are forced to face. After the apprenticeship
My grandfather has always had a huge influence on my life growing up and still does to this day. He has always worked hard to provide for his family as a welder and has never had any regrets with his career choice. He joined the Navy and served many years as a welder, and later retired from a military facility after welding for 30 years. This award would help me achieve my goals by helping with tuition and welding supplies, as I start my college career in June of 2016 at Tulsa Welding College in Jacksonville Florida. I am dedicated to finishing college to pursue my career as a welder and eventually a welding instructor.I would like to travel pursuing a career as a welder, possibly even working overseas. I have taken welding for the past three
To become a welder you need to know a lot , different rods, different types of welding to learn all this you need the right training , there are many technical schools and colleges where you can go to find out the basics of welding. there are many types of welding one of the biggest is stick welding there is also flux core, tig, mig. on the pipeline there is a lot of
Some talents I found in myself is welding. Welding is a hobby I find interest in. It’s very fun and you can be very creative with it. What made me interest in this is school. When I first started to weld I liked it, everyday I would come to school I would look forward to welding. I often keep up with welding at home as well. I’ll help my stepdad weld different metal together to create different things. Welding has impacted me very well in my life, because I know that i’ll do great in the future and continue to strive to become the
Welding is a process used to join metal parts by producing a coalescence, called a weld, at a joint. Advances in welding technology have opened the way for innovative designs in structures and machinery. Of modern welding processes, the greatest number fall under the general classifications of arc welding, gas welding and cutting, resistance welding, and brazing.
As we prepare to finish highschool and make a life of our own we must face the daunting task of what we plan to do for a career. In making this decision I personally put hours of research into many factors like education, salary, and availability. This involved cross referencing a multitude of different sources which often offered varying information, and interviewing and experienced Certified Pipeline Welding Inspector. If I were to go through with my dream of being a Certified Pipeline Welding Inspector I would have to overcome a limited local job market, inconvenient hours, and an unpredictable schedule, but I would also see benefits like a high starting salary, an ideal environment for me, favorable education standards, and potential
The only thing that is required to become a welder is a high school diploma but in order to get a step above the competition a welding license is highly suggested.
If you want to be a welder, and actually have a career, you can go to a welding school and learn how to weld, or you can try to be a welders helper and just learn the trade. Welding can be a tough job if you don’t know what you are doing or you do not enjoy doing it. Welding is a fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials together (Modern Welding). This is the process that uses fuel gases and oxygen to make a molten pool of metal to fuse together two pieces of metal, called puddeling (oxy-fuel welding and cutting. Wikipedia). If you decide to weld as your profession, most welding school students have little trouble finding jobs and finding people certified to weld correctly (Welding.Wikipedia).
You would have to keep focus, have good eye sight, steady hands, good concentration to be a welder. I would like to think that I have majority of these traits, and I have a desire to get into this feild and be successful in it. I have alway been interested in welding sense I was a kid, everytime I came accross someone that was welding or was about to weld I would be drawn to watch them. I've always knew not to look directly into the light, but I never knew why. Now that I am about to enter into the career as a welder, I know why I shouldn't look directly into the light. My attention to detail would be something that is going to help me in my future and career as a welder. I can see that something is done good, but then I would notice something small and I would then try to fix that problem. Being a welder that would be an great trait to have, and to take out into the career as a welder. I look to get into this career and bring some of the things that I have learned from schooling, and also some of my personal encounters into the field as a welder. I know that once I get out into the field, their is going to be somethings that I am going to learn more of, and I am anxious and eager to learn these traits. I feel that I chose the right career, because I am so close and
Welding is the process of joining pieces of metal or other parts by heating the surfaces to the point of melting using a blow torch, electric arc, or other means. This careers demand has skyrocketed in recent years. According to Tri-County Technical College, welding is ranked as one of the top ten fastest growing career fields in South Carolina by the US Department of Labor (“Welding Associate's Degree”). Welding is a very meticulous career, to be a welder you have to be focused, careful and you have to have an extensive knowledge of the field to be successful. Welding requires a variety of skill sets. If a person has a variety of skills and experience doors will open up for positions such as: shipbuilding, automotive repair, and construction.
People don't think that a career in welding is an ideal because they don't think it a money making job and that you work all day and all week and don't get paid enough for the work that is done. In reality in welding has a starting pay of $85,000 dollars a year and work your way up the ranks to make more money. The further you get the company they will usually
GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding) is more economic; Springer reports that “ GMAW is an economic process because it has higher speeds and higher deposition rates than manual arc welding. There is also no need to constantly change electrodes” ( Page 11). GMAW has a higher speed, which means that you can get the job done faster. It also has high deposition rates which makes the weld look clean and smooth.” This method can be used for a high range of work, but it is not suited for repair work because of it’s weld quality” (Page 4). This process can be used for many variations of work including root welds, joints, T’s, butts, laps, and many more applications. Even though its used for many practices, it is not recommended to use this method for
You’re ready to start your new job as a welder. The information provided here will help you prevent injuries to your eyes or body. Be sure to follow all safety procedures when working with welding