
Pisces Constellations

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Pisces is an example of constellation that belongs to zodiac family,I chose Pisces constellation because is my zodiac sign.Pisces is a plural name of fish is a Latin word.Pisces lies between Aquarius to the west and Aries to the East,the entire constellation looks like two different fish that lies in the West and East connected by a cord(tied together),it has a v shape.Pisces is bordered by,Triangulum,Andromeda,Pegasus,Aquarius,Cetus and Aries constellations.Pisces has different stars (clusters of stars) or galaxy,Eta piscium is said to be the brightest star in the constellation. The creation myth of Pisces constellation originated form Syria, Atagartis the Syrain goddess of love and fertility has a shape of half woman half fish,is thought

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