1 PARAGRAPH: I choose Pisces because I am Pisces. This constellation has the symbol of two Fishes and it is sometimes called the first constellation of the Zodiac because the sun appears in front of this constellation at the time of the March equinox. It is near the Great Square of Pegasus.
2 PARAGRAPH: It was discovered by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century. It has a Latin name for "fish" (plural). It is usually showed as two fish in opposite directions, connected at the tails.
In Greek mythology, the goddess Aphrodite and her son Eros is associated with the fish that appears in Pisces and was transformed in the Euphrates while escaping from the monster Typhon. And In another story, the two fish that were placed in the sky were
The constellation I chose was Camelopardalis. This constellation represents my favorite animal, the Giraffe. Unsurprizingly, this constelation does resemble the Giraffe in appearance. The name this constellation bears comes from the Greek, and has three meanings: leopard, Giraffe, and camel. Camelopardalis can be seen best in the month of Febuary. However, it is not terriable visable. Overall, Camelopardalis is only a 4th magnatude consellation. There are eight other constellation in the vansinity of Camelopardalis.
I have chosen the constellation Draco. I chose it because it is in the form of a dragon and dragons are my favorite mythological creatures. It is located in the far northern sky. It's name is Latin for dragon. It can be see all year from the North.
The constellation I am choose is Aquarius. I choose this because according to all information given, it is my zodiac sign. The Aquarius is one of the oldest constellations known, it's name is Latin for water carrier as the constellation is a representative for water. Still in the modern list of constellations, this one is also known as The Great One.
For this essay I have chosen the Aquarius constellation because my Zodiac is an Aquarius sign, also known as "The Water Bearer". The Aquarius constellation was one of the 48 constellations that were founded by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy and it is still recognized with the other 88 constellations we see today.
I have chosen the phoenix constellation because I am very fascinated about the phoenix it self. Albus Dumbledore is supposed to have had one or still has one if he is still alive. The phoenix tears can heal as far as I know heavy vullnaries. It is in general a very trustful beeing. There must be a connection from the beeing to the constellation.
Hesiod's reference to Aphrodite's having been born from the sea inspired the Renaissance artist Botticelli's famous painting of the goddess on a giant scallop shell. Equally if not better known is the Venus de Milo, a statue which lost its arms in ancient times.
I have chosen Virgo as my constellation. The reasons are that it is my Zodiac sign, and it's meaning is "The Virgin". I have also chosen it because it's traits describe me. The traits are: analytical, observant, helpful, reliable, precise, skeptical, fussy, inflexible, cold, and interfering.
My favourite constellation is Cancer, or, the crab. This is my Zodiac sun sign, the zodiac segment the sun was in at the time I was born. The Cancer is the dimmest of the zodiac signs, and it looks like an upside-down Y. It can be seen during autumn in the southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere in early spring.
Even though Eros serves as a backup character to many different myths, he also has his own myth, that so happens to be one of my favorites. In the popular Cupid and Psyche myth, Aphrodite becomes very jealous when rumors go around saying Psyche is much more beautiful than her. She then sends Cupid to make her fall in love with someone ugly, but when he lays his eyes on her he instantly falls in love. He makes sure that she is brought to his palace and every night he would go visit her to make love and leave before the morning comes. Psyche's becomes lonely and misses her sisters, so one night she convinces Cupid to let her sisters come to the palace. He explains to her that they are jealous and they will lie to her to sabotage their relationship, but he lets them come over after she persuades him. When they come over, they become very jealous and they tell Psyche that her lover is a hideous monster. That night she keeps a knife and lamp with her so she can kill him. When she turns on the oil lamp to look at him she falls in love, and while she leans over to kiss him she spills the hot oil on him. He wakes up and sees the knife in her hand, so he gets up and flies away through the window. She roams the woods looking for him, and she goes to Aphrodite for help. The goddess tortures her and then sends Psyche on a couple of quests, similar
For this essay I have chosen the Leo constellation. I chose Leo because it is one of the first recognized constellations and is one of the easiest to recognize as it actually resembles a lion. I also happen to be a Leo and have always had a fascination with this particular constellation.
I chose the constellation Cancer (“The Crab”), because is the constellation that represents my zodiac sing, that is Cancer; this constellation represents the form of a crab, and is because this the name of the constellation means crab in Latin, this constellation is visible on The South Hemisphere on the autumn, and on The Northern Hemisphere on the begin of the spring. That constellation occupies a five hundred six square degrees.
The constellation of choice is Taurus because I am a Taurus and therefor wanted to learn more about the constellation and myself through it. The Word "Taurus" is Latin for "The Bull" and the constellation itself is located in the northern hemispheres winter sky. It has been around since The Bronze Age, making it one of the oldest constellations. It has had great agricultural influence and has been told about in myths of Romans, Greeks, and many more. It has 2 of the closest Open Clusters to Earth and holds the red star Aldebaran.
My favorite constellation is Cassiopeia. I have been a fan of Greek myths all my life. The tale of Andromeda and Perseus has always been one of my favorites in which Cassiopeia was Andromeda's mother. I like Cassiopeia's story as it's a good tale for teaching humility.
Personally, my favorite constellation happens to be the Leo constellation. I imagine that the main reasoning behind this preference is simply that it was the first constellation that I had ever heard of, due to my mother's sudden talk of zodiac signs. Then, of course, she soon informed me that it was actually my zodiac sign. I found it to be a rather nice thing to learn at a young age. Of course, there is far more to the constellation than just being my zodiac sign. It's brightest star is Regulus, and Leo is also best seen during the month of April.
I have picked Libra as my favourite constellation as it is my zodiac star sign. The shape of the stars that make up the constellation symbolise weighing scales. The Libra constellation can be seen in the sky in-between 23rd or october and 24th of october. Libra is the 29th largest constellation so it is fairly small compared to others and was once considered part of the scorpio constellation (a neighbouring zodiac star sign).