
Pitch Vs Tv Bible Essay

Decent Essays

Regarding the TV Bible and the pitch. Unfortunately, the Bible also feels too vague and general, versus clear and specific. First, the logline provided isn’t what is presented in the pilot. The logline conveys that Tom’s research is turned into a weapon. In the pilot, this is never delivered. Clarify what this “weapon” is. Even in the TV Bible it’s not well defined. Overall, the Bible feels wordy and repetitive. Granted TV Bibles can vary from length and context, but being clear as to the premise of the series and the format is pivotal. First, the pitch does clearly clarify that Tom wakes up after being dead, realizes that the accident never happened, but it could. It’s a good hook. However, this isn’t conveyed in the pilot. The pitch also nicely clarifies that Tom has discovered how to rewrite one’s …show more content…

Make sure to concisely explain it. Consider tightening some of the dryer information on page 54 regarding all the statistics. Clarify how a man-made virus is able to control behavior; a lot of the presentation sounds too vague or general versus specific. Saying things like “balances the real with the really amazing,” sounds too obscure. One doesn’t know what this means. There are some elements taken directly from the TV Bible of the series LOST, such as saying things like “our first season will be like any other show: finding what works, what doesn’t …” and references to a blue print etc. There’s nothing wrong with this, but remember JJ Abrams can get away with being more personal. Consider being more confident about the series. Sell the show. Also, don’t try to be too cute, “And we know you’re thinking, what’s up with the White Room?” Again, produced writers or producers can get away with this. It’s an artistic choice. Clarify what’s unique about this series. Clarify why the concept will make for a long-term series. Clarify the target

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