
Plain And Simple, Cancer Sucks ! It Is A Family Disease

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Plain and simple, cancer sucks! It is a family disease. It takes a toll on the patient as well as an equal toll on their family members. What’s worst is not being able to be there full time lending a helping hand or offering words of encouragement to the love one that has been diagnosed with such a horrible illness. Now imagine the love one that is infected with this dreadful condition is your younger sibling, and it’s slowly zapping the life out of her, a woman that was so full of life and zest. For Rod Dreher, older brother to Ruthie Leming, and the writer of The Little Way of Ruthie Leming: A Southern Girl, A Small Town, and the Secret of a Good Life, the feeling was all too real. Ruthie’s battle with cancer tested Rod’s faith and helped him find his way back home, but the ordeal was difficult for him on two accounts, it meant returning to the small town he was so eager to escape, plus deal with the fact that his younger sister was bound to die from cancer. Rod Dreher grew up in Starhill, a small community just south of St. Francisville, Louisiana and north of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. At an early age he felt like an outsider. He enjoyed reading and sitting in the house watching TV, but His father, Ray Dreher, wanted Rod to grow up under his wing, to like the things he enjoyed. Mr. Ray wanted for his first born son to “be outside with him” (5), but Rod recalls that he enjoyed spending countless hours with his great-aunts Lois and Hilda, whom would tell him stories

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