
Planet Ecosystem Research Paper

Decent Essays

There are multiple risk factors that were noted for destruction. These destruction will lead to a possible collapse of the planetary ecosystems that supports life. Some of the risk factors that can destroy the planetary ecosystem are: global destruction of large forests and phytoplankton in the oceans, worldwide soil erosion and desertification, loss of biodiversity and massive extinction of species, and natural disasters. (Cooney)
Global destruction of large forests and phytoplankton in the oceans is one of the major risk factor that can potentially cause a collapse in the planetary ecosystem. These large forests and phytoplankton in the ocean captures 59 percent of the land carbon dioxide and 41 percent of the ocean carbon dioxide (Conney). …show more content…

Large forests are destroyed for raising beef, lumbering, and use of wood for clear cutting for crops or profit (Cooney). Wood has been in a huge demand for several centuries to build houses and buildings. However, this is causing other animals losing their shelter and habitat in forest. The topsoil has been wearing off from the soil which is creating soil erosion. Topsoil contains all the healthy nutritions that will make the soil fertile. Plants needs this fertilization and all the proper nutritions in soil to grow. However, water erosion in soil is causing soil erosion. Which is creating the land a desert where no one can live.
Another risk factor is loss of biodiversity and massive extinction of species. This is caused by the change in ecosystem due to climate change, pollution, and invasive species (Cooney). Also, many of the species need some time or some generations to evolve and adjust to the new ecosystem. Due to the rapid change, many of the species are finding it very difficult to adjust and survive in the new ecosystem. They are losing the food source, water source, and their habitat. As a result, many species are extincting and causing a huge loss of biodiversity

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