
Planned Parenthood : Major Values

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Planned Parenthood: Major Values Planned Parenthood is an affordable and trusted health care provider that relays the message of safe sex to various populations of society. The topics of discussion provided by this non-profit organization are on reproductive problems, family planning, and contraception. Planned Parenthood promotes healthy lifestyles in men, women, and teenagers. They use this as an effort to encourage safe sex and productive family planning (Our Mission, 2014) According to the Planned Parenthood statistics, one in five American women has chosen Planned Parenthood for health care at least once in her life (Who We Are, 2014). The mission Planned Parenthood is their belief in the right of each individual, no matter their location in the world, to be able to manage their own fertility choices without concern to how much money they make, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, age, marital status, or residence (BY WBB MCCORMACK, 2015). Planned Parenthood respects and values all diversities and their well-being and they believe that reproduction should be self-determined and voluntary to preserve the individual’s rights to privacy (BY WBB MCCORMACK, 2015). If individuals are allowed to create their own destiny of parenthood, Planned Parenthood believes they are enhancing the quality of life and family relationships (Who We Are, 2014). Most of their charity is leaned toward the local communities of all ethnicities and races. They provide over

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