
Planning For Instruction From The Course Text

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Assignment #3 – Discussion Paper: Planning for Instruction
This paper will discuss Chapter 4: Planning for Instruction from the course text, Teaching Physical Education Today Canadian Perspectives. This chapter discusses important considerations for planning, the process of planning, and provides the criteria to help create an effective lesson plan. Planning is known as the “instructional process” and involves “thinking about, researching, organizing, and developing contents for instruction” (Randall & Robinson, 2014, p. 48). During the instructional process, an instructor should be able to state their intended objectives. The beginning of the planning process involves outlining what is expected by the end of a program. This means that it …show more content…

The Ministry of Education of Ontario (2015) states the following:
The knowledge and skills students acquire in the program will benefit them throughout their lives and enable them to thrive in an ever-changing world by helping them develop physical and health literacy as well as the comprehension, capacity, and commitment they will need to lead healthy, active lives, and promote healthy, active living.” (p. 6)
It is important to note that expected outcomes were established with broad outcomes. These outcomes can be advantageous as it allows flexibility for a physical educator. The curriculum set by the provincial government is important as it stresses physical literacy and health literacy. Physical literacy is defined by the Ministry of Education of Ontario (2015) as “individuals who are physically literate move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person” (p. 7). In lecture, it was stated that “physically literate” means not just focusing on type of content taught in PE but also consider holistic, physical, mental, and emotional development of the physically active child. This means that educators should consider multiple angles of development and consider how their actions will affect each angle in childhood development. As stated in

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