
Plastic Surgery And Cosmetic Surgery

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I think we are all tired of hearing this, but media is the source of all good AND evil. Another thing that media has targeted in the minds of people is the thirst for a perfect face or body. People , especially women feel targeted and insecure about their faces and bodies and thrive to make it “perfect”. The illusion of perfection has made women lose all sense. And really why won't they? We are living in an era where women’s bodies are objectified and they are judged not on their personalities but their big ass and faces. And in a need to be accepted by the society, women lose countless nights in depression. People have found a way to overcome this problem, its plastic surgery. People are spending billions on achieving the perfect body …show more content…

Pixee Fox worked as an electrician but after having all these surgeries, she changed her profession to a stripper. She accepts that a lot of these procedures were very painful and now she cannot eat a lot of hard foods, which needs to be blended into a smoothie for her tiny stomach to digest . She spent over $120,000 on her surgeries and wants to achieve a waist size of 14 inches. Blondie Bennett ImagePlaceHolder: shutterstock From California, 38 year old Blondie Bennett, has accomplished her dream to look like a real-life Barbie by having 5 breast enlargement surgery and much more. She has had cheek implants, liposuction and botox. And she doesn't want to stop! She wants her breast to grow larger but due to a condition called Symmastia , which causes your breast or breast implants to merge, she is unable to do so. Blondie believes in the fact that barbies are dumb and only care about their looks and shopping, for that reason she takes hypnotherapy classes to lower her IQ level. She has spent over $38,000 on these surgeries and is still hopeful that she can convince the doctors to carry out with the breast enlargement surgery. Adam Daniel ImagePlaceHolder: shutterstock From Los Angeles, California , 31 year old Adam Daniel spent over $75,000 to look like

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