
Plastic Surgery And Its Effects

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Plastic surgery has advanced drastically in the past few years. Before plastic surgery was an option, to correct a body part from injury, disease or an illness they had to just deal with their appearance. Today many people are getting plastic surgery to improve their appearance because they believe in their minds that something is wrong with them base on what our sociality standard are. I think it is an unnecessary surgery and many people put their health and well-being at risk. Some people even lose their lives because the toxins have leaked in their body, face lifts leaves some people deformed, and mentally handicap.
The history of plastic surgery originated in the early 800 B.C; when surgeons in India reconstructed broken noses, for people who had taken off as a form of punishment. In World War I many plastic surgery techniques were developed in order to correct soldier’s disfigured facial injuries. (History of Plastic Surgery) In the beginning, breast argumentation first started to women with micromastia, which is, an underdevelopment of breast tissue due to a congenital disorder. In 2007 nearly twelve million cosmetic procedures were performed, the top five were breast argumentation, liposuction, nasal surgery, eyelid surgery and abdominoplasty. (Wikipedia)
Our sociality has this image that everyone should look like a Barbie doll. That leads people to get cosmetic surgery to improve a body part that they believe is imperfect. In fact, there is not one flawless human

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