
Plato Vs. Madison Assignment No Essay

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Plato vs. Madison Assignment No. 1 Plato has every right to exhibit a strong distrust in democracy due to man’s inability to overcome their appetite for power for the greater good of the people. This distrust of the “common man” accompanied by the many injustices of Athenian democracy during Plato’s lifetime, led to his reasoning for wanting a philosopher king as a solution to solve the problem of corruption that consistently occurs in various forms of regimes. On the contrary, Madison believed that a democracy could prevail under the pretenses that strict and effective guidelines are implemented in order to prevent the formation of factions whose interests would heavily conflict with the rights of individuals and society as a whole. With events that have taken place such as the Holocaust, it is of no surprise that although Madison’s ideology aimed towards preventing dictatorship and unscrupulousness in a representative democracy, corruption still does take place in contemporary government. All in all, in comparison to Plato’s theory, Madison’s notion of creating a constitution to “protect the minority of the opulent against the majority” as well as creating a design for a representative democracy with checks and balances, specific limitations and a separation of powers is the most logical and practical method in order to attempt to create a fair and impartial democracy although it has many flaws and is more obtainable in theory than it is in practice. In Plato’s mind,

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