
Plato 's Views On The Philosophy Of Human Nature

Satisfactory Essays

In this essay, I will debate two different stances on the philosophy of Human nature. The first philosophical position that I will evaluate comes from the perspective of the Athenian philosopher, Plato. First and foremost, Plato’s views integrate the idea of dualism. Dualism, in this regard, means that there is a clear separation of the immaterial substance (the mind) and the material substance (the body). Plato views the soul as the entity or part of us that has the ability to reason and allows us to be rational. Therefore, the soul and reason go hand in hand. The soul works and reasons best under conditions in which it is the furthest removed from the body as possible (Phaedo). Thus, Plato views the body as a hindrance to the mind and soul in the sense that the body and its connection to the phenomenal/physical world deceive the mind in the world of ideas (“Plato’s Republic”). Plato conveys this in one of his dialogues, in which Socrates says, “Then he will do this most perfectly who approaches the object with thought alone, without associating any sight with his thought, or dragging in any sense perception with his reasoning… freeing himself…from the whole body, because the body confuses the soul and does not allow it to acquire truth and wisdom whenever it is associated with it” (“Notes on Plato’s Phaedo”). Thus, Plato deduces that the body, along with our physical senses (touch, smell, sight, sound, taste) is like a prison to the mind (“Plato’s Republic”). The better

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