
Plato's Allegory In The Matrix

Decent Essays

In the film The Matrix, we follow a character by the name of Thomas Anderson also known as Neo. Early in the film, Neo starts having what could be viewed as hallucinations or dreams that bleed into what he deems as his reality. After the first of the incidences, Neo meets a woman named Trinity. Trinity knows Neo has been searching for a man who goes by the name of Morpheus. She Tells Neo it is not Morpheus he is looking for but an answer to the one question that haunts him “What is the Matrix?”. Through a strange series of events, Neo and Morpheus meet to have a discussion. During that discussion, Morpheus tells Neo that he knows the question that haunts him and begins to explain what “the matrix” is. According to Morpheus, the matrix …show more content…

Is it what appears in front of us or is it something else beyond what our mind can process directly. Plato talks about the this in his Allegory of the Cave. In the allegory, Plato uses the metaphor of prisoners who have never been outside of a cave being shown shadows that look like animals and other forms of life. If the prisoners are given the same choice that Morpheus presents to Neo, to stay in the cave or leave it most would choose to stay in the reality they are familiar with. I like Neo would opt for the unpopular path of leaving the matrix because once I was shown the possibility that what was presented to me was a fallacy I would no longer be able to accept the world around me as fact. Plato explains that anyone who makes the choice to leave the cave would then see what creates the shadows on the cave wall, therefore, starting on a path of true knowledge. Neo leaving the cave or the matrix by taking the red pill consequently starts him on a quest to find out what was creating his pseudo-reality. When Neo made his decision to leave the matrix he opted for a world of true knowledge over that of appearances. Neo gains the power of being able to think about the abstraction that is the matrix. As a result he can begin to try to rationalize what construct the matrix and his new

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