
Plato's The Allegory Of The Cave

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When most people hear the word utopia, their minds begin to form these outlandish and, more often than not, unobtainable confounds for a society in which they wished they lived in. Once their minds come back to reality they realize that their idea of a perfect society could never happen in real life seeing as the closest thing to a real life utopia would arguably be the country of Switzerland. They’re a neutral country therefore they don’t get invaded and they never engage in war due to the lack of an army. It’s a peaceful place, with those awesome Swiss army knives, and they make great chocolate, what more could one ask for? On a more serious note, a perfect society, a Utopia, would be much more than great chocolate, cool gadgets, and no …show more content…

In, The Allegory of the Cave, Plato makes a statement, not about the media, but about how the people are being controlled not by themselves but by someone or something else, “Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets.” There was no media like there is today when Plato wrote this but it applies to today’s society as well. We all know that the media is controlling society, and that fact is the low wall that conceals the marionette which is visible in the image Plato creates in The Allegory of the Cave. Despite knowing that the media has control over us, we continue to let it control us instead of making our own choices, and in the ideal society, this would not happen. People would not rely on twitter, and Facebook to communicate with everyone, and there would be no TMZ or paparazzi. People would have the privacy that everyone deserves, and not have to worry about rumors and the tabloids portraying them in a way that isn’t true. Without having to worry about who is watching, people will be able to live their lives comfortably without having to look over their shoulder to see who is following them. Without the media controlling society, people can

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