
Poaching In The White Bone By Barbara Gowdy

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Wildlife Conservation: Research Paper
Between the years 1970 and 2010 about 50 percent of the world’s wildlife have been lost due to deforestation, poaching, overfishing, and overhunting (Dell’Amore). 5 million African elephants roamed the Earth not too long ago but currently there are roughly only 470,000 elephants around today. The novel, The White Bone by Barbara Gowdy is a story of a family of elephants that must take a journey to overcome the destruction of their habitat and poaching as well. The one thing that they are searching for is a “White Bone” that is said to have the power to reverse the drought and protect them from those that hunt them. The book not only provides the outside forces that are pushing the elephants, it also gives …show more content…

The cutting down of forest areas eliminate the habitats that many different animals need to survive, such as the African elephant, rhinoceros, and mountain gorilla. Other environmental changes affect the wellbeing of animals as well such as global warming. Global warming is mostly caused by CO2, also known as green gases that are emitted into the atmosphere which weakens the earth's ability to protect against the sun's harmful rays that lead to higher temperatures. As most people already know contributors of global warming are power plants, gas guzzling cars, and the burning of fossil fuels but what many didn’t know is that animal agriculture contributes as well. This climate change can cause droughts which lead to the movement of different animals in search of components that are important to their survival.
“The song alone can be of assistance to a cow of your intimate acquaintance who happens to be giving birth, although Tall Time doubts that any cows anywhere will be giving birth right now. Calves don’t drop during droughts … Tall Time himself being an exception, having arrived in the world toward the end of the last bad drought” (Gowdy …show more content…

But what you have to realize 30 years ago, there was a Texas-sized area that contained about 300,000 elephants, and over the past three decades, poachers have killed all but 4,000 that still exist in Zakouma National Park” (“Scores of Elephants”).
This quote goes to show that easy money is not the best money when the bet is placed on the head of wildlife. Animals that cannot be protected by national parks are at even bigger risk than those that are partially protected by weak laws.
Even though poaching is an easier way of getting money and human society is growing, many animal species will become extinct and there will be no more wetlands or forestry left on planet Earth. Tigers were once at risk of being extinct until those who hunted them noticed the decline and began to allow them to get a chance to revive their numbers. On the other hand animals like the African elephant, rhinoceros, and even the black bear are at high risk of becoming extinct if wildlife does not begin to be conserved. Animals such as the elephant and rhino are hunted for their body parts and animals such as the black bear are hunted for game as well as their pelt. As well as the decline in animal wildlife there is a decline in wilderness as well that comes from the cars we drive and the plants we

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