
Pocahontas And Captain John Smith Research Paper

Good Essays

Professor Ortiz
AIS 101
May 22, 2017

Pocahontas and Captain John Smith The story of the Indian princess Pocahontas is well known; or at least many think they know it. It is a story that has been retold many times. However, not much is known about the real Pocahontas. Many know of a story of a beautiful Indian woman who fell in love with a European settler named John Smith, as told in Disney’s Pocahontas. But who really was she? Why is she so important in both Naïve American and American histoy? Although recent stories of Pocahantas are very popular, the original stories, as told by Native americans, are far diiferent. There are many historical inaccuracies surrounding the original story of Pocahontas. As well as her role in Native American …show more content…

But relationships with Powhatan’s confederacy had become worse after Smith grasped power over Jamestown, claiming himself rightful leader. Being a military man, he was both aggressive and brutal. In order to keep his colony from starving, Smith stole from the Indians. He was willing to do what he deemed necessary regardless of how it affected others around him. After some frustration, one of the tribes within the Powhatan Confederacy captured Smith. Ultimately through compromise, Smith’s life was spared. Captain John Smith was a hero to the English but a wrongdoer to the Native …show more content…

She served as a negotiator between the Powhatan’s and the English, where she befriended Smith. This friendship provided more current fantasies of the couple. All the same, their relationship ended soon after Smith was wounded and returned to Virginia. Pocahontas ended her visits with the English, but not her involvement. There are records of her saving another Englishman who was trying to escape Powhatan. Similar to current perceptions, Pocahontas was brave and heroic throughout American history.
Contrary to modern beliefs, Pocahontas had married and was able to choose her spouse. Her first marriage was to Kocoum, who was a private captain, but not a chief. This shows that she chose Kocoum for love and not power. Kocoum is now seen as a man who Pocahontas was force to, but would not marry. Her second husband as an Englishman named John Rolfe who she had met during her capture by the English. It is often shown that Native American society was arranged and that people could not make choices freely. But this shows the opposite. Powhatan didn’t stop his daughter from choosing her husband either

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