
Pocahontas: Relationship Between The Powhatans And Settlers

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Pocahontas, also once called Matoaka was a Powhatan indian who brought peace between the colonists and native Americans by befriending them. As a young girl, Pocahontas saved the life of John Smith when he got captured by her father and about to be executed. Eventually, she became friends with John smith and would bring food to the settlers from her tribe as well as saved their lives many times over. Even though Pocahontas befriended the English settlers, once Smith returned to England the relationship between the Powhatans and settlers began to crumble and would never be the same. Pocahontas was born about 1595 in Virginia, near Jamestown, and died in March 1617 in Kent England. Her real name was Amonute and had a more private name, …show more content…

In the winter of 1608, the English traded with the Powhatan tribes for more food, but found out that a drought had severely reduced the tribe’s harvest. As the Settlers demanded more and more food, Chief Powhatan finally came to a compromise with Smith that if he gave him swords, guns, and some metals he would give him a boatful of corn. Unfortunately, Smith did not hold up his end of the deal and consequently, Pocahontas and her family planned to kill him. Pocahontas that night though warned Smith of what her father planned to do than disappeared into the woods never to be heard of from him. Naturally, after that experience the relationship between the english and the Powhatan tribe began to dissolve and in the fall of 1609 Smith returned to England for medical care and was rumored to the indians that he died on his way over to England. As Pocahontas got older, she married Kocoum, who was someone with no high status or importance so was probably married out of real love. Then after a while of shaky peace a captain named Samuel Argall made an alliance with other Powhatan indian tribes and tricked and captured Pocahontas. She then was held as ransom for the return of stolen weapons and prisoners held hostage by her

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