
Pocahontas Research Paper

Decent Essays

Pocahontas is a name that we’ve all heard while learning about the history of America and the settlement of Jamestown. You also might have heard it in the Disney production of the movie Pocahontas and Pocahontas 2. But, as we know, Disney tries to make every story have a happy ending. But did Pocahontas really get her happily ever after?

In some ways, the movie was historically correct. For instance, in the movie, and in history, Pocahontas was the favorite daughter of the Powhatan tribe Chief. She was a strong, compassionate girl who tried to maintain peace between the tribes and colonists. Pocahontas was the one who helped the settlers survive and taught them how to farm, get fresh water, and how to hunt. Now, for the settlers, the journey to …show more content…

The movie got that right. In both situations, they settled up the river flowing into the Chesapeake Bay and established a settlement that they called Jamestown, in honor of their king. At one point, the tribes and settlers did have many arguments, which on the end resulted in war. She was able to stop the tribe from killing John Smith, therefore saving his life. John Smith did have to go back to England, due to an injury, leaving Pocahontas. Pocahontas did eventually go to England with John Rolfe and meet the king.

The movie was historically correct, but in a general way. There were a lot of details that the movie got wrong. For example, in the movie, there is a character that was the supposed “governor” on the ship with the settlers going to Jamestown. His name was Governor Ratcliffe, the “bad guy” that all Disney movies seem to have. In the movie, John Smith was captured by the Indians,

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