
Pocahontas Research Paper

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My first choice is Pocahontas. The exact date of her birth is unknown, but she is believed to have been born between 1595-1596. Her father is "Wahunsenaca", the chief of the Powhatan Chiefdom, her mother is not known. Pocahontas got her nickname by being naturally curious and playful. As a child she was taught her duties as a women, and learned how to distinguish the edible plants from the non-edible ones.

When Pocahontas was 11 years old, the English arrived in Jamestown. In 1607 John Smith was captured and as he told it " stopped his execution". On the day he was to be killed it is said that his head was placed on a stone to be bashed, and Pocahontas laid her head on his and saved him. Pocahontas, being the chiefs daughter, was

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