
Podiums are important for speakers and teachers. When a podium gets used a lot the finish becomes

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Podiums are important for speakers and teachers. When a podium gets used a lot the finish becomes damaged, and may possibly even flake and or peel. Replacing it could cost a pretty penny. If your wooden podium is looking a little under the weather you can refurbish it to bring it back to life. The first thing you will need to do is gather the safety equipment to properly protect yourself as you sand and refinish a podium. The things you will need are, safety glass to protect your eyes. A mask, to cover your nose and mouth so you do not breath in harmful fumes or sawdust from the wood as you sand it. The simple not specialized tools you will need to fully refurbish your podium consists of: a pencil, a straight edge, table saw, an electric …show more content…

These nails have a thick shank and are made from iron wire. They are most commonly used with dimensional lumber. The nail has a fat head having with a smooth or textured surface and has a sharp diamond shaped tip. The next and final process of refurbishing your podium will be to apply a finish of your choice. When applying a new finish on a podium, you need to make sure that all of the surfaces are smooth and have no splinters. Before you apply your finish to your podium, you need to make sure you are doing it in a very well ventilated area. If you apply the finish in a closed up area, you put yourself at a high risk of asphyxiating and other dangers. When you are applying the finish make sure that you have a mask on to help keep the chemical fumes from reaching your lungs. In order to apply your finish you are of course going to need something to apply it with, a paint brush. Depending on the size and frame of your podium, you will possibly need a variety of different types of paint brushes. As you are applying the finish to the podium, make sure you are going with the grain of the wood. In order to get that nice beautiful look you are shooting for by applying the finish, you may and probably will need to apply more than one coat of finish to your podium. If you end up having to apply more than one coat of finish, you will need to wait

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