
Poem Comparison

Decent Essays

The Difference in Similarity
“Lady Lazarus,” by Sylvia Plath and “ “The Waking” by Theodore Roethke are two poems that relate directly to the speaker. Although both poems share this similarity, the way in which both works or literature are constructed are vastly different. Plath uses visual imagery and poetical tercets to show the pain and suffering of the speaker in her poem, while Roethke uses the musical Villanelle and synesthesia to create his picture of the speaker’s inner thoughts and a sense of awakening.
When reading the poem “Lady Lazarus” for the first time, the subject matter can be a little difficult to comprehend. The title of this poem and the speaker share the same name, ultimately making connections to the poet …show more content…

A tercet is a three-line stanza. These stanzas are mostly made up of short, choppy lines with a mix of enjambment and end stop lines that can been seen as an example in lines 22-24 when the speaker says: “[This] is Number Three. (end stop)/ What a Trash (enjambment)/To annihilate each decade. (end stop). When read aloud, the words move quickly and forcefully. It almost sounds like the speaker is spitting her words out to the reader in disgust. This could relate to her overall feelings of disgust throughout the poem. This poem also has use of perfect rhyme and slant rhyme. One instance of perfect rhyme happens in lines 83-84, where the words hair and air rhyme. An example of slant rhyme occurs in lines 71-72, where the words burn and concern sound rhythmical. Also, there is use in anaphora in “I do it so it feels like hell” (line 46) and “ I do it so it feels real” (line 47). While these various kinds of repetitions of sounds occur all over the place in "Lady Lazarus," they do not occur in a particular pattern. The rhymes have an off-kilter feel to them, and this allows the poem to be fast and free wheeling. The reader never knows when a rhyme or some other kind of repetition is going to happen next. I think it works to the feeling of the speaker very effectively because the speaker is in an erratic state of mind.
“The Waking” is characterized as a Villanelle, which means an Italian word referring to a rustic song or dance. Villanelles have five tercets

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