
Pokemon Go: Exergaming

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I believe that physically interactive games can combat childhood obesity by encouraging the player to be active. Pokemon Go for example, motivates the player to search and capture pokemon. When pokemon are caught, they are evaluated to a pokedex; the information about the pokemon’s behavior, ability, level, gender, and habitat are displayed and recorded in the pokedex.
Pokemon are found almost everywhere, so the player can search nearby wherever they are, some might even need to walk to a certain place or distance. There are also Pokestops that are found near monuments and statues. Players can interact with these pokestops to gain items and eggs. Players (or should I say Trainers) can hatch the eggs by walking a given distance. Once reached, …show more content…

ExerGaming is a combination of exercise with the fun experience of videogames. Exergaming is a newly created category, making it one of the most recent of 2016. This allows the player to immerse themselves in game while also giving them a physical workout. This category also applies to Virtual Reality (VR) games which interacts with the players movement. There are many VR companies working on developing a fully immersive system, some might even work together. Oculus rift, Aeroglass, and VR coasters are few examples of high grossing companies developing and creating VR systems. Nintendo also developed the 3-D feature in their iconic dual-screen DS consoles, hence the name 3DS. It received positive feedback and game critics calling the 3DS “ a great success” and “a step in the right direction”. But let's get back on pokemon go, Niantic Inc., the developer of the game, says that the game is great for children and adults because it's non-violent. Kids can roam around parks and teens can search in cities for pokemon. Although it's a great game, there were some incidents where the app was criticized. For instance, a teen was struck by a car due to being distracted. Another incident (incidents actually) where people enter private property just to catch a pokemon. Also there were complaints that people go in hoards and cause traffic and noise pollution. Niantic Inc. immediately fixed the issues after hearing about the complaints.

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