
Polarization Of Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

America has always been hailed as the one country in the world that was built on the very principle of freedom; the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Yet with the rise of particular ideological movements we have found ourselves creating new barriers for freedom of the most potent utility we posses. Speech.

Whether violent protests, public inflammatory remarks, assault, ostracization, or the like. Suppression of one's ability to vocalize themselves in one direction or another has been rampant in the past few months. Instead of an election uniting the American people, it has polarized them further towards their respective sides of the political field. Speech has become volatile and feared by …show more content…

To many of them Mr. Trump/ Hillary/ Bernie speaks in absolutes, there is no right or wrong, there is what Trump believes and their isn’t. In online communities participation is limited only to zealots. Places that claim to be interested in the benefit of the whole have distilled themselves to distributors of the dogmatic minority. The “right” opinions become truths while the wrong are quickly dismissed through objective claims or other unfalsifiable means. The challenger would “fail to make sense” or “not be able to use logic”, two completely illegitimate claims that do nothing to defend from debate but disregard the speaker as “unable to think properly”, and therefore ignorable. Disarming is easier than …show more content…

But the repercussions should be made known, their are very explicit dangers that come with senseless following.

Dedication to a particular set of morals and beliefs creates an agar for violence. If people are nothing more than their thoughts, and speech is nothing more than an expression of thought, then having an ideology challenged is not much different than a physical affront. The prospect of one's ideology being wrong produces anxiety and fear, a volatile mixture. Now take a country who has two groups of people, both staunch supporters of their side, make them fearful and anxious of each other, and you have a time bomb waiting to go off.

By maintaining a free thinking and individual opinion one sacrifices group protection and must rely on him/ herself to defend their beliefs. It doesn’t seem quite as cozy as having a safety net to fall back on, yet it accomplishes something very important. It decollectivizes the anger and fear that manifests in a group. It denies opportunities for massive outbursts of violence while honing the intellectual edge of the

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