Over the past decade, police brutality has covered major headlines because officers have acted out in ways that have made citizens question their motives. Things such as unjustified shootings, deadly chokings, and rough treatment have all added to the constant problem of police brutality in the black community. Annoyingly, the police officers responsible for the killings and abuse are not held for long before they are discharged to their normal routines. Since many people believe that the issues of police brutality is based on race, officers should be held accountable for their misconduct. Accountability will permit officers to treat all with equality; therefore using the appropriate amount of force on everyone. Often cops are indicted in less than 1% of killings, but the indictment rate for citizens is 90% which is a major problem. If someone does wrong they should suffer the consequence no matter who they are. As a result of misconduct officers tend be mistrusted by their communities. Deaths in the black community often stems from police officers using excessive force such as assaults, beating and shootings. One of the recent incident of police brutality went viral after a caucasian police officer 's Mr. Fields body slams an African- American female high school student in South Carolina. The student was seated at her desk on her phone when the officer through her to the ground and across the floor before arresting her. One may argue that
In the untitled monochrome cartoon image by Samuel Joyner publish in the year 1999/2000 that later won first prize in the the Publisher Association that year carries a valuable decspritive. This image shows a black person being chained and dragged by a police truck as the man holds a sign saying “Guilty only of being Black” which may be explaining why he is being dragged by the police car. The police truck has a print of ‘Police Brutality’ on it. Joyner may have been trying to capture the racial tension between Blacks and Policies.The print on the car says Police Brutality meaning excessive use of force that is which may be giving a hint to the viewers that this man may be going to jail for unnecessary reasons.
African American face a lot of hardship. Police brutality is one of them. Police would see a black person waking down the street minding there own business and they would beat them up for no reason or the reason was because they were black. Some other hardship is not being treated equity. In the text it say that “ whites were able to do more things the black people.” So that’s the hardship that black people had to face.
These are some reasons police brutality has to end because it’s affecting the rate of african americans in america .
While combating police brutality everyday, what really does matter? Despite, the increased attention and actions to remedy police brutality, police brutality is still a prevalent issue in today’s American society. It has sent critics on both sides of the issue into their corners, as no one really seems to have the answer. Maybe, the reason why police brutality has been so troublesome to alter is because the people trying to alter it are only targeting only the symptoms instead of the infection itself or maybe even the cause or the disease. What if the efforts to destroy the leaves and the branches have only made the root stronger? Police brutality is the excess use of physical force from an officer to a citizen. If there is one thing for
Police brutality is becoming a trend in America. Tensions among the public and especially the African American community are rising due to the latest cases of police brutality. Many people believe that we have come far in this society but to be honest Racism is still a factor. The use of brutal and lethal force by some police officers leading to unnecessary deaths have African American parents on edge to send their children outside for anything. Law enforcement and people whom we trust with our lives are the very same to take it. Some people may want to argue that these cases such as the shooting of Michael brown and choking of Eric Garner are isolated incidents. Others would argue that the work of a police officer is too difficult and that sometimes an officer needs to use such force in order to enforce the law and protect him/herself while on duty. Law enforcement proclaims to feel threatened however what about the civilians who feel threatened of becoming the next target or victim of prey. The society is well aware that not all police commit these crimes and that we do still have law abiding officers. However, with the effort from everyone we can eradicate the bad apples and create a safer road for the officers and civilians.
Americans of any race can become victims of police brutality but statistics show that 87% of all documented police brutality cases in 1995 involved African-Americans. Police brutality has been around for a long time and it seems to have worsened over the years. According to Paynes, (1992), “The unrelenting brutality police wage against Blacks has never been the occasional ‘sense less’ aberration it is with others. Police brutality towards Blacks, on the contrary has its own cruel logic once you understand the racial history behind it. Plutarch described how the ancient Spartans used to control the Helots by weeding out the most spirited young men as a lesson to the others who would follow them. There is a similar rationale behind the excessive
African American communities that are facing police brutality are more likely to be anti-police. Mail Survey is the research that best fits this proposal. The target population in this study consists of two African American dominated communities, one that is facing police brutality and the other one not so much. African Americans being targeted by police in highly based crime communities as opposed to non-violent ones. The community facing police brutality consists of African Americans in gangs, selling drugs, and are criminals; while the other includes African Americans that aren’t involved with police. The sampling frame that will be performed in this study consists of the following sample criteria: (1) victims of police brutality; (2) they
Racial profiling isn’t something new to today’s society. Most recently there were incidents in which the officers were accused of mistreating blacks such as Michael Brown and Freddie Gray. “Racism versus professionalism: claims and counter-claims about racial profiling” written by Vic Satzewich and William Shaffir discusses racism versus professionalism with officers. Their argument is more biased towards the police force and they argue that it’s part of their job. “
The brutality of the police force has been a long worldwide problem, but especially between the years of 2012-2016. Black people are being unjustly beaten and shot in plain sight for doing nothing while being unarmed. Journal of African American Studies “Blacks are viewed as deserving of harsh treatment in the criminal justice system” (482). “Black males with more “Afrocentric” features may receive longer sentences than blacks with less Afrocentric features like lighter skin and straighter hair”(482). Nowadays it is important to know about the police force. It’s important to know our rights as citizens and be careful around cops. Not everybody is good, but not everybody is bad also. In The New York Amsterdam News 21 people were killed by Chicago police in 2008. Entire families were being attacked. They believe it’s because of their skin color and how they are different. The year of racism started off with the world seeing the police murder of Oscar Grant. “The media have pushed people away from hearing the issue of police brutality, and it has fallen off of the radar screen.”(2) “You can’t give in. They will try to make an example out of you, try to break your spirit!”(2) African Americans say do not trust the cops with anything. “They will ruin you.”(2)
As I was conducting research about police brutality I came up with three questions I wanted to find out. I wanted to know what race group is affected by police brutality the most, why they were affected by this the most and what to do to stop police brutality involving shooting civilian. This Paper talk about how police brutality is a major issue in America right now. There’s many different types of police brutality but police officers killing civilians is something that is issue in our nation currently. After doing reaching this topic I was able to find out that African Americans have been affected by this the most out of any race. African Americans are affected by this the most because in some cases African Americans are usually stereotyped and this causes them to be treated different by police. Ways we can help this issue is by supporting these organizations that are against police brutality and encouraging police officers around the nation to always have a body camera on them at all times.
There is no question that police brutality, when it occurs, is one of the most egregious violations of public trust that a public servant can commit. Police officers, those individuals taxed with protecting the public from danger, should never be in a situation where they pose a threat to the public. Furthermore, there is no question that police brutality occurs. Moreover, generally when there are allegations of police brutality, there has been some type of underlying violent incident. In addition, while issues of brutality may seem clear-cut to a disinterested observer, it is critical to keep in mind that law enforcement officers are not presented with textbook examples of the appropriate or inappropriate use of force, but real-life scenarios involving quick decisions. There are many arrest and non-arrest scenarios where officers need to use force to protect self or others; and the degree of force required may be greater than what a disinterested observer would assume. Another recurrent issue in debates about police brutality is that racial bias appears to be a motive behind police brutality. When one considers that minorities are disproportionately likely to be arrested and convicted of crimes, one would expect to find a disproportionate number of minorities among those alleging police brutality. Therefore, while acknowledging that police brutality, when it occurs, is a serious problem, the reality is that most
Police brutality is defined as “excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians,” and this has become more prominent within the United States throughout the years (Danilina). There has many cases where police brutality has been seen via news channels, and it has dismantled the unity of trust between the civilians of the United States and the law enforcement who are supposed to protect the everyday people from harm. The issue is if the law enforcement is actually right within their means of protection, or have they gone too far with using excessive force in any situation that may or may not be harmful to them. There is, also, the question of whether racial profiling is the biggest contributor to police brutality.
Police brutality is not a new subject. It has been around for numerous years, and like most issues, has resurfaced to the public’s eyes. The recent events brought up the question: Does there need to be a reform in the system in the police system? In this year alone, there have been countless cases of individuals being harmed or even killed by police officers for reasons that continuously are not explained. What has people more attentive to this injustice are statistics showing that most victims in these police attacks happen to be African Americans and other minorities.
Honestly, there seems to be an ongoing battle between Black men and Law enforcement. Police Brutality against Black men is at an alarming rate. The history of violence, discrimination, supremacy, and disregard for the law has been morally accepted amongst our Society. Besides that, the seemingly higher number of men being killed by law enforcement could be attributed to poverty-stricken communities, which have higher crime rates, racial bias, and sinful pride! Recent events have become so detrimental that black men try to avoid confrontations and committing crimes altogether in fear of losing their lives.
Recently, our country has undergone tremendous suffering due to police brutality. Some police officers are taking the law into their own hands and intertwining their personal views and stereotypes on the black community. They are committing inhumane crimes on African Americans and our justice system is allowing it to continue. Several police officers are noticing that if they commit this crime out of pure hate it is acceptable and the courts will rule in their favor. It continues to happen because there is no punishment for their wrong doing.