According to Wihbey and Kille in their article “Excessive or reasonable force by police? Research on law enforcement and racial conflict.”, police brutality is a problem, and especially a problem for teenage colored boys. Young black males are actually twenty one times more likely to undergo police brutality by getting shot than a white male of the same age. Racial Profiling--people of color being more likely to be stopped by an officer--is also a growing problem with our society. Whether or not an officer will admit it, he/she--whether white or black--sees young black males as more suspicious due to the amount of street crime produced by this specific type of person. After years of working in conditions like that, an officer’s “good will” will be compromised.
Available statistics on police brutality is also not one hundred percent accurate. Data on lethal and nonlethal force by police officers is not consistently reported to the FBI through their Uniform Crime Reporting Program. Reporting this data is purely voluntary on behalf of an officer, leaving data incomplete and unreliable. This also leaves the statistics the public has, puzzling. For example, during the time periods of 1999-2011, Oklahoma had the highest rate at which people of color were
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Use of conducted energy devices can also reduce the statistical rate of injury to suspects. Conducted energy device use has risen significantly by seventy percent. Conducted energy device use was also ranked as one of the most-used tactics for police officers during the time period of 2005-2008, and excessive-force complaints against officers more than doubled from 2003 to 2008. Although that seems like an alarming statistic, keep in mind only twenty percent of officers collect injury data in a
The violence that some officers exude to minorities should only be used in extreme, desperate situations not when a teen steals some cigars or is walking home with a hood on. Besides showing an interest in racial justice and issues of race helps to break down barriers, exposed as false perceived misunderstandings, and shed light on commonly held perceptions of a race-infused
Throughout history, there has been very few careers that require such a high degree of an ethical standard such as the one required for law enforcement. There is, however, a multitude of careers that require the dedication and heart such as required for a police member. Where this dedication and heart differs relies solely on the difference in the job. Officers are required to be aware of their surroundings nearly all the time as if something were to happen they would be required to navigate through the situation successfully. Somebody such as a CEO for a multimillion dollar company would not require this same quality due to the fact it is not part of their job description and the only individual that he/she needs to be worried about is themselves. However, in today’s society, and with media being an ever growing aspect, some police officers have decided on their own personal way to handle justice. So unfortunately, this small percentage of police contract a huge amount of negative eyes to the profession. This small number of individuals bring a negative view to the police department as a whole and for this cause an issue in the public’s eye. Regardless of what many individuals believe, many of the police officers decide on the ethical side of the job and are hardworking professionals who seek out to just serve the public. However, being an African American male myself the main issue I have and want to combat is the punishment officers should face if
In the year 2014, 1108 people were killed in cases of police brutality. Of those 1108, 23.5% (265) of the victims were African Americans. In a poll conducted in 2009, 54.4% of African Americans said that they or people they knew experienced violence at the hands of police. Only 44.2% of the African Americans taking the poll
This topic police brutality is so important to our because Police is brutality is so big right now and we cant people have innocent people in the streets getting shot for doing what they're supposed to be doing. Why we are talking about this is because we have to make a change and stop what is going on. Police have been targeting black lives and there a holding them at gunpoint and shooting them before they even get a trail or can go to court. We as in all of us shouldn't be scared to walk outside or they shouldn't be scared to see a police. Police are here to protect us and it feels like we are at war with them right now but there are supposed to protect us.
Police brutality seems to be everywhere we look from the news to social media this also makes it difficult for minorities to trust the police. The latest story on police is brutality is about Keeven Robinson. Keeven was arrested by undercover police and died of asphyxia caused by the excessive force used during his arrest. This brutal arrest took place in Jefferson Parish Louisiana. The apprehension occured Thursday, May 10, 2018. Keeven was being investigated for narcotics by undercover police and was seen at a local gas station. As Keeven noticed he was spotted he took off in his vehicle crashing two vehicles before he got off on foot and was fatally arrested in the backyard of someone's home. The common question that arises is whether or
Police brutality is the lavish physical assault or verbal assault during police procedures which can involve interrogating or apprehending a suspect. Police brutality originated from the labor worker strikes in the 1800’s through the 1900’s. The violent brutal act of these officers usually formed around the lower socioeconomic class. Since then police brutality has hit an all-time high in the 21st century. In New York alone there has been reportedly over 72 police brutality reports some reports even ended in the deaf of a citizen. There’s been claim of police officers violently choking citizens at traffics stops and beating citizen up in public. There’s been new technology such as body cameras which are used by most police but not all.
Police brutality and police militarization have become a hot topic in the United States of America. There are many cases where police officers motives are being questioned, leading the public into an uproar. Just to name a few of these cases, we have Micheal Brown from Fegurson, Missouri, that started it all, which took place on Augest 19th, 2014. We also have Eric Garner from New York, taking place July of 2014. July of 2016, Alton Sterling of Baton Rouge and Walter Scott from South Carolina in April of 2015.
The majority of cases reported about police brutality involve minorities. This problem of police brutality against minorities and non minorities is a problem which must be addressed but the problem is not as large as the media would portray it to be.
different people, groups, and institutions influence policy decisions. Police brutality is influenced by many, such as our American political ideals of civil rights and liberties, the political process in terms of the media and our political institutions, one which the courts.
Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, and Yvette Smith are only four names out of the hundreds of victims that are affected by police brutality every year. Imagine knowing that your innocent 7 year old child died while sleeping in her own home due to the hands of a policeman during a raid. This is what Charles Jones reality had come to when he had to grieve the loss of his daughter without getting any justice. Currently so far in 2018, 466 people have died in the hands of police. Over the years, the number of deaths due to police brutality have only increased. Surprisingly, this doesn’t come to a shock to many people because police brutality has become more of a common occurrence throughout the years. This needs to come to an end. The police
A great deal of society views law enforcement officers as heroic and honorable individuals, whose main purpose is to protect and serve the community. For many officers, this description is accurate, however for others; violence and brutality against innocent citizens is part of getting the job done. For years, minorities have fallen victim to police brutality based on racial profiling, stereotypes and other
While police brutality rates being at a high rate in the us in the past few years most of the cases could have been avoided if the suspects had been listening to the officers. Statistics gathered by the Cato Institute’s National Police Misconduct Reporting Project confirm that around 1% of all police officers commit police misconduct in a given year. As police rate rise people often mistake this for racism against different raises but if you look into those cases when black or other ethnic groups are shot or killed they are shot more often by a black police officer than a white officer.
An integral component to the infrastructure of government is law enforcement. In recent years, police abuse has come to the attention of the general public. While citizens worry about protecting themselves from criminals, it has now been shown that they must also keep a watchful eye on those who have been given the responsibility to protect and serve. This paper will discuss the types of police abuse prevalent today, including the use of firearms and recovery of private information. I will also discuss what and how citizens’ rights are violated by the police. We will also explore the measures necessary to protect ourselves from police taking advantage of their positions as law enforcement officers with greater permissive rights than
Police brutality is not a new subject. It has been around for numerous years, and like most issues, has resurfaced to the public’s eyes. The recent events brought up the question: Does there need to be a reform in the system in the police system? In this year alone, there have been countless cases of individuals being harmed or even killed by police officers for reasons that continuously are not explained. What has people more attentive to this injustice are statistics showing that most victims in these police attacks happen to be African Americans and other minorities.
There is a widespread and persistent problem of police brutality across the United States. Thousands of individual complaints about police abuse are reported each year and local authorities pay out millions of dollars to victims in damages after lawsuits. Police officers have beaten and shot unresisting suspects; they have misused batons, chemical sprays, and electro-shock weapons; they have injured or killed people by placing them in dangerous restraint holds.