
Police Brutality Minorities

Decent Essays

Mariana Garcia
Mr. Lyons
30 October, 2015
Senior Project Police Brutality: Becoming More Frequent in the United States

“The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened” (John F. Kennedy). Police Brutality is a violation to the Federal Civil Rights Act. If cruelly beaten, kicked, and thrown by a person who is supposed to ensure the law, will you then trust them afterwards? Will your rights be valid then? Officers wear the badge and uniform which will make them feel superior making them think the law is in their hands and can twist and change it as they please. Jessica Watson-Crosby comments on the police brutality history and says, from …show more content…

This problem has been around for many years. According to Gregory it has been around since the 1930s, “Local officers, for example, beat hundreds at a 1930 labor rally in New York City, while Chicago police killed ten strikers in the Republic Steel Memorial Day Massacre of 1937.” This tragedy has been going on for decades, it is wistful having to hear that this problem still continues today. “Police Brutality was officially sanctioned in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The police misconduct aimed at undermining labor actions or controlling working-class leisure” (Umbach). The principal objective behind the cruelty is allegedly defending themselves from “dangerous criminals”, but in fact these criminals are unarmed when being viciously attacked. Gregory Umbach also comments, Dallas police formally charged less than five percent of the 8,526 people the arrested “on suspicion” in 1930. A police officer has the right to briefly detain a suspect for investigatory purposes, but to have a reasonable suspicion it requires more than a hunch. It is up to the citizen to determine if they are being detained or free to …show more content…

When given directions from a police officer, you must follow orders because it could end tragically bad for the both of you. Some of the public take Law Enforcement as a joke and would rather argue, lie, or fight instead of taking the situation you are put in seriously. Various cases of police misconduct have taken place with teenagers being the “victims”. Teenagers will act immature with the Law Enforcement because at that age they are rebellious and would like to prove who the bigger person is and sadly in some cases the situation will end tragically wrong. Many people view police brutality as excessive force towards “innocent citizens” when in some cases the culprits are responsible for causing this corruption. Various stubborn people when arrested will not follow directions when asked by an officer, which makes a cop’s job more difficult. “In tense situations, there are times when police are called on to make quick decisions in difficult circumstances in order to protect their own and that of innocent bystanders” (Dilascio). Officers as well get told what to do and it is in their training to handle a dangerous situation in the way they were taught. There have been many events where criminals are armed and or threatening the safety of the public, which creates a difficult problem for Law Enforcement. Law Enforcement then has to take matters into their own hands and try to fix the

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