
Police Officer Diversity

Decent Essays

In order to create more diversity on the force with the applicant pool, there are a few different approaches or techniques that I would follow through with. The first would be to bring officers of color and female officers to job fairs and recruitment events. With the view of most Police Officers being negative in today's world, I think that bringing diverse officers to these events shows that this job is one that is made available to all who strive for it. Regardless of skin color or gender. When students or young people have the opportunity to see that they can in fact relate to people working in this field and that they are welcome there, it creates bridges and opportunities to create a better world of policing. This also opens up the opportunity for students or people who are considering this line of work, the chance to ask important questions. They can ask the officer of color or …show more content…

This could be obtained by creating sections of police websites that are specifically designed to give women information on what it's like to be a woman on the force. It could answer questions regarding tips that would be prominent in helping women successfully assimilate into the work place. It could answer questions regarding the application progress, tips for passing the physical agility test and other important topics that are relevant to the female experience. To market towards officers of color, I would strive to create recruiting videos and posters showing the community aspect of policing. This would show officers participating in community events, playing sports with children and problem solving within the community. As some officers of diverse backgrounds have reported, the opportunity to become an officer can be the ticket to getting them out of poverty. The community ties and benefits to a line of police work can be very attractive to them for these

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