
Police Officer Stereotypes

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Police Officers
Police Officers serve and protect the citizens in their community but are seen as criminals who get away with everything. We have disesteemed their true character behind their badge. Because we are only exposed to the wrongdoing of the officer. We all see them as the killers, pigs, the people who eat donuts all day. We only assume their bad character due to their split second decision but we don't see the braveness and the risk taking of the officer. If a police officer stops a different colored race then what he or she is they are consider racist this is all because television shows more negativity towards police officers then positivity. If they fire their weapon at someone who they believe is a threat and kills them they …show more content…

Many see them as pigs, because all you think they do is sit around and eat donuts and find any reason to give someone a ticket. Timothy Roufa states that “ officer will write tickets to their own mothers” ( Common Police Officer Stereotypes paragraph 1). This shows that they are even so cold hearted that they will give their own mother a ticket. If the officer happens to have a bad day and when he speaks to you in a rude way you jump to the concussion that this officer is an asshole just because he has that uniform on he thinks he could treat anyone how he wants to treat them. Or you seen them as murderers who kill anyone they want and not receive any punishment because all we see is the video on social media showing the actions of the officer but not showing the truth on why officer pulled the trigger. Maybe some see them as racist because you see the video on the news of an officer tackling a different colored race then what he or she is on the floor. Many see the officer being overly aggressive to some people many say that the officer tries to act tough just to show they have more power than you do and you can not do anything about it. Some believe that if you're the same colored race as the officer that the officer should let you go or give you a break. “My partner once pulled over a mexican and it so happened that I was also mexican the suspect would only talk to me but he only spoke spanish and it made him angry when he found out I did not speak a word in spanish and he started saying i'm going to kill you and your whole family….” (Mr.Fernandez an officer of the law). This shows that people expect things from officers for any

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