
Police Shooting Unjustified

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Overall, the vast majority of police shootings are justifiable. Police shootings are almost always in actual self-defence, where the culprit has tried to attack the officer or has possibly reached for a gun. 58% of people shot by police were armed with guns and 17% with an edged weapon such as a knife. This could be suggested as being the reason that 99% of officers get away with using force. There are thousands of cases which prove that police use their force in the right way. I have used the definition of police brutality as being where an officer has used excessive force. Such as when an officer shoots a victim or beats the victim. The majority of police brutality cases are where an officer has shot someone. However the majority of police …show more content…

Here underlines the major problem in America; guns. Fundamentally without guns, the percentage of police shootings would be next to nothing, furthermore the percentage of officers killed/ attacked would also be next to nothing. 58% of police shootings were as a result of the victim having a gun, if that person didn’t have gun then they possible would still be alive today. The NRA belief that the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, however if guns were just taken out of the equation then the amount of police shootings and even public shootings would severely decrease. Not to say that police officers shouldn’t have guns, in the most extreme cases such as a SWAT raid, the use of guns should be permitted, like it is in the UK. But police officers that walk the streets of America, should not have a gun, as long as members of the public don’t have a gun. However, unfortunately this will never be the case because in America it is their second amendment right to have a gun, meaning the only way to get rid of that amendment is through 2/3rds of the senate and ¾ of

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