
Police Subculture Research Paper

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Police subculture – The effect on community policing – William Courtice

Relationships between employer and employee can arguably have significant impact on the outcome of corporate goals and initiatives (Rousseau, Ho & Greenberg, 2006). The dynamics of the relationship between police services and police officers are similar to civilian corporations; therefore the outcome of police initiatives are impacted both positively and negatively by that relationship. For the past 30 years, a shift from traditional styles of policing to a community-oriented style of policing has been occurring (Liederbach, Fritsch, Carter & Bannister, 2008, p.272); however, according to Chappell (2007) an underlying resistance to change has existed through a subculture …show more content…

Policing subculture and its impact will be discussed at three levels; the police officer as an individual, police officers as a group and lastly, police services as a whole.
The definition of community policing has been greatly debated; however, common principles exist within the many definitions (Rosenbaum & Lurigio, 1994, p.302). Skogan (1990) as cited by Rosenbaum & Lurigio, highlights two common principles which are that police are to be ‘responsive to citizens demands’ and that they are committed to helping neighbourhoods help themselves’ (p.92).
Police subculture has also been discussed at length by academics; subsequently varied definitions have been formed as a result. According to Chan as cited by Crank (2004) police subculture “is an umbrella term for a range of negative values and practices among police” (p.14).
Police officer as an individual – training and discretion
Training is arguably the responsibility of the police service; however, for the purpose of this paper it has been included in this section to address how training gleaned by the officer might be interpreted …show more content…

Although many police services have instituted changes, a number of studies have shown that many have not fully committed to a change (Chappell, 2009, p.8). Changes in command structure which would result in a flattening of hierarchy thus affording officers some autonomy is required as it relates to community policing (Chappell, 2009, p.7). A resistance to change within the subculture of policing, in this instance, reluctance to changing what has been traditionally paramilitary in design, furthers the negative impact on the progression of community

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