
Police Subculture Research Paper

Decent Essays

Even though some people see police as power abusers, police are good because try to help their communities despite all the danger they can get themselves into.

When we hear the term police officer, we automatically picture a person wearing a navy blue uniform, holding about twenty-three pounds of equipment and have an air of authority surrounding them.We look to them for protection against all the negative people and influences that are out in our world. Officers have to be smart and tough enough to withstand the constant threats that put their lives on the line. Jerome Skolnick argued that police culture rises from the common tensions that are associated with being a police officer. These include racial, gender, age tension that they put up with on a day to day basis.

Police subculture is in charge of giving officers an interesting working state of mind and outlook. Their characters and identities are modified by the qualities they gain from existing in this subculture. Cops are always helped to remember their part as defenders of peace. This turns them against the overall population as they see everybody outside the police force as a potential criminal or suspect. Many officers are …show more content…

This is because they are consistently reminded of the standards that detach them from the general population. This detachment extends significantly over a period of time. Sometimes to point that they can no longer identify with the normal society. Another reason they can't identify with general society is because of the allegations that are forced against them. The general population, for the most part, treats them with disdain and disregard, considering them in charge of defilement and illnesses.For this reason, cops look for approval from other police staff, which makes the inward subculture more feasible and

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