
Polis Aristotle

Decent Essays

Aristotle contends that achieving human happiness and well being is impossible without living in a city because human beings are political animals and therefore politics is an elemental part of the good life. Aristotle bases this claim off of the argument that politics and city formation is a natural part of being human because humans have an inherent impulse to create associations and partnerships that eventually evolve into political communities, or the polis. These partnerships arise first from two individual’s who need each other to survive (1252b) then to households which extend to become villages (1252b16), to eventually fully formed self-sufficient cities (1252b27). Aristotle’s argues that the polis is prior to all other partnerships (1253a20) because the partnerships are parts that make up the whole, the polis, and therefore all humans are drawn to create and associate with the …show more content…

By virtue of establishing the partnerships as natural, Aristotle is successful in asserting that the political is fundamental to human nature and in order for individuals to experience the good life they must be members of the city (1253a20). To back this claim, Aristotle uses a metaphor of the city as the body and the citizen as the limb and argues that comparable to the limbs separating from the body, the individual is not self sufficient when separated from the city and therefore possesses a natural impulse towards creating and remaining in the polis (1253a25). Furthermore, Aristotle supports this claim by contending the “one who is in need of nothing through being self sufficient is no part of a city and so is either a beast or a god”(1253a27). As a result, all individuals need the city to achieve the good life, and if they do not need the city they are not

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