
Political Change Research Paper

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Individuals in the American society affect Political change: Citizen communication is the prime way in which the American society communicates its necessities and demands to the government and foresees the government to be responsive. How do we as a society impact America’s political change? It is imperative that as one large community of 300 million, we know exactly just how we can make a difference politically in this home we call America. The founding Fathers predetermined for congress to be the link between citizens and their government. A democracy is dependent on relevant and purposeful communication between government and its citizens. How does this happen in America today? We Vote, protest, utilize media, join interest groups, contribute …show more content…

“Academic research has consistently found that people who consume more news media have a greater probability of being civically and politically engaged across a variety of measures.” In a generation where everyone’s time and attention is progressively focused on social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, there are still people who seek to appraise the relationship between public engagement and social media use. The media is a very useful tool to get people participating in the world of politics. A lot of us find out about political candidates, rallies, debates, and events through news channels, newspapers, social media, and radio stations. The media has always been critiqued by some but it also gives people the chance to be influenced by their government. Many people will login to their Facebook page and see hundreds of political memes. According to a meme is “an image that is spread via the internet and often altered in a creative or humorous way.” When it comes to political memes, people like to brew jokes about the political candidates they despise and get reactions out of others. People are consistently sharing articles about candidate flaws such as Hillary Clinton’s 30,000 deleted emails or Donald Trump not releasing his tax returns. These things can tremendously affect people altering their

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