
Political Corruption

Good Essays

Political Corruption in the US Government

Research Essay for 8th Period Economics

By Steven Adamson

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People often talk about how corrupt the government has become. They often talk about how crooked politicians have become, and how the government needs a complete overhaul. With all of the controversy in the political system at this time, now is a great time to look into political corruption. Politicians often receive contributions from corporations, to help them with the costs of running for office. These contributions could sway the politician's position on an upcoming vote. The results of these votes could help big business, but harm everyday people. The common people can try the same tactics by voting for a politician who shares the same views, or making small donations to the politicians. The contributions the common citizen can make are much smaller than the ones a large corporation can make, so the politicians will often favor the large corporation. This often leads to corruption because the politicians vote for bills and laws that would favor the company that gave them money rather than the citizens who voted for them or made a smaller contribution. People will often say that corruption isn't a big deal because it has been going on forever. They will bring up corrupt tax collectors from the Bible saying that if it existed in biblical times and still hasn't been fixed, what is the point in trying. While it

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