
Political Ideology: Why I Am A Young Outsider

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Political ideology is defined as a certain set of ideals and principles of a person that explain how society should work, and offers some political and cultural plan for social order. Specific opinions and ideals on different subjects are lumped together, which creates groups of people with similar political ideologies called political parties. People feel differently about different issues and those beliefs range from liberal to conservative. Overall, I consider myself a moderate, which is in between liberal and conservative. I feel that I am a moderate because on some issues I agree with a liberal point of view, while on others I agree with a conservative point of view. Liberals are typically considered part of the democratic party and conservatives are considered republicans. I identify most with the republican party because I feel like I lean that way on a lot of issues. …show more content…

After taking all the quizzes, this was proven true. According to the Best Political Quiz, I am right in the middle with 50% liberal and 50% conservative, which is called a centrist. It said that I am socially conservative and economically centrist which is surprising to me because I feel that I am typically more moderate on social issues. These results correlated with the results of the Political Typology quiz which said that I am a Young Outsider. A Young Outsider is a mix of both liberal and conservative views, but they sometimes lean more towards the republican party. The last quiz, from PBS, said that I am a conservative republican which surprised me because, as I said before, I feel that I am typically very moderate. I felt that the Political Typology quiz was most accurate and the set up for the quiz was very thorough in discovering exactly how the person felt about each

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