
Political Ideology and Other Factors Leading to the Holocaust & Wwii

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Political Ideology and Other Factors
Leading to the Holocaust & WWII

Political Ideology………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………3
Foreign Influences and the Military
Time Line of Key Events Leading to the Holocaust……………………………………………….………………9
History of Adolph Hitler & Nazi Party Uprising……………………………………………………………………12
Hitler’s Upbringing World War I
Post World War I
Mein Kampf
Heinrich Bruning
Hitler runs for office
New Chancellor in …show more content…

Needless to say the people were not happy and it helped lead to the Germany people wanting changes.
When Adolph Hitler came into power he brought with him his Nazi party and their ideas which align with Fascism. Fascist believes fascism is a “third Way” in economic policy. It is superior to uncontrolled capitalism that only benefits the few rich who hold the capital. It is also suppose to be superior to state controlled communism. This will also be looked at in greater detail in the fascism section of the paper.

Fascism has an underlying, Darwinist outlook, that nations, races and people, are constantly in a struggle where it is survival of the fittest and the strong survive by conflicting with the weak. This argues that the only way for a nation to be successful is to weed out the weak (sick, poor, Jewish, etc.) that pull down on the nation while simultaneously promoting the strong. The problem with mixing biological theories (Darwinism) and political theories (Fascism) is just that, they are two different areas and need different considerations.
There are no set positions, left, right, center, for the general idea of Fascism. Neither is there a set of rules which it is comprised of. It is safe to say there is no one definition that is all inclusive because Fascism can be very different depending on how it is employed. It is debated in many different opinions of what it represents. With that said, since there is no one all inclusive

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