
Ancient Egypt Research Paper

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Egypt, a transcontinental country that spans the north east corner of Africa and the southwest corner of Asia, houses the historic flooding Nile and the ancient man made Great Pyramids. The Nile is the only significant source of water in the dessert region and without it early civilizations would not have been able to develop and thrive like the Egyptian society has done throughout time. The Egyptian society origins can be traced back to the 10th millennium BC, with a culture of hunter and gatherers evolving into a grain-grinding society. With a change in climate and overgrazing, the Sahara desert began to form, thus early societies migrated to the banks of the Nile around 8000 BC. This migration contributed to the development of economic, political, and religious structure among the earliest of Egyptian societies. Ancient Egypt is often divided into three kingdoms of prosperity, the old, middle, and new kingdoms. During the old kingdom (2613-2160 BCE), a social structure begins to take shape in the newly unified society. At the top of the structure is the Pharaoh (or the almighty ruler of Egypt and is worshiped as mortal version of god), moving down pyramid we then have other government officials (nobles and priests), soldiers, scribes (experts in hieroglyphics), merchants, craftsmen, and the farmers and slaves. During the end of the old kingdom, and all throughout the middle (2040-1750 BCE) and new (1550-1070 BCE) kingdoms of ancient Egyptian society, the building of

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