
Politicization Of Abortion Summary

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To understand the politicization of abortion, we first need a brief history on the issue. Abortion was legal and commonly accepted during the 18th century until the late 19th century. During this time, they were only illegal after pregnant women could feel the fetus moving, during a stage referred to as “quickening.” No one believed that a human life existed before quickening, not even the Catholic Church. People mainly believed that a woman could do what she wanted, as she was the only one with experience of her own body. The Catholic Church was not against abortion until 1869 and abortions did not become illegal until 1880.
State abortion laws first arose in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They originally aimed to protect pregnant …show more content…

Wade asserted that denying a woman the right to choose violated basic privacy and liberty interests contained in the Constitution and that states may not prohibit pre-viability abortions. Since then, Roe has proven to be one of the most significant and controversial issues in Supreme Court history. In the years following the decision, the highest court dealt with many questions about laws requiring parental and spousal consent as well as waiting periods for women seeking abortions. The court was mostly consistent in supporting abortion rights with their rulings until Webster v. Reproductive Health Services in …show more content…

Casey challenged a law that included a 24-hour waiting period for women seeking abortions and requirements of informed-consent, consent of a parent for a minor to obtain an abortion, and notification of the husband when a wife planned to terminate her pregnancy.. However, various waivers were available for extenuating circumstances. The Supreme Court upheld all of the Pennsylvania statute’s requirements, except the provision concerning spousal notification.
In 2007, Gonzalez v. Carhart upheld a federal law known as the “Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act” which prohibits “dilation and extraction” (D&X). D&X is a procedure where a pregnancy is terminated by partially extracting a fetus from a uterus and then collapsing its skull and removing the brain. This ruling was significant because it departed from past high court decisions which required any restrictive abortion law to include an exception to protect a woman’s

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