
Pope as a Satirist

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Satire is a literary genre, usually meant to be funny. The word ‘Satire’ was defined by Richard Garnett as,
The expression in adequate terms of the sense of amusement or disgust excited by the ridiculous or unseemly, provided the humour is a distinctly recognized element and the utterance is inverted with literary form. Without humour satire is invective, without literary form, it is mere clownish jeering. (Encyclopedia Britannica 14th ed. vol. 20 p. 5)
Satire is defined by Long as, “a literary work which searches out the faults of men or institutions in order to hold them up to ridicule” (Gupta: 28). Then according to Applebee,
Satire is a literary technique in which behaviors or institutions are ridiculed for the …show more content…

The literature of the age of Pope was more and more closely related to politics; most probably all the writers of his age used Whigs or Tories, the British political parties, to insult each other. A change came over the real practical principle during his period; its aim was not merely to entertain the readers but also to reform the society. Wit was more interesting when intermingled with morality, and morality with wit is seen mainly in the works of Addison. Author’s main objectivity of using wit is to improve the manners and morals of the people.
The general attitude of the period of Pope was more advantageous for the growth of satire, and this satire dominated that period to a great extent and hence Pope could not avoid the influence of satire in his poetry. Though Pope was weak, sick, and deformed, his enemies did not spare his works and physical deformities. He became bad and ill tempered and was likely to take offence quickly, and moreover he was wishing to harm those who upset him. He remembered the unkind words which insulted him, and so the main aim of his satires was to take revenge against his enemies and cause pain to them with greater violence and brutality. With his state of being cunning and his systematic organization of action he planned attacks on his enemies. Moreover, he took revenge upon the Protestants too, so they cursed him great suffering and unhappiness. He used

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