
Pornography : American Porn

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American Porn Pornography, also known as porn, has been around as early as 30,000 years ago back when Paleolithic people were carving large-breasted, thick-thighed figurines of pregnant women out of stone and wood. Back in the mid-1600s erotic novels were in print and jumping through the years porn has evolved through movies and now the internet. (Pappas, 2010) In 2002 Michael Kirk and Peter J. Boyer wrote and produced a film called “American Porn” by Frontline on PBS. This film takes a long hard look at the attraction to pornography and how it is intertwined with our ever evolving culture, morals, and who we are as individuals.
Pornography, for some have literally been the root of families being torn apart, people losing jobs, and ultimately engaging in deviant behavior. Through the evolution of technology the porn problem has gotten much worse with pornography's spread through the internet. Studies show that 40 million adults regularly visit internet pornography sites. To put that in perspective, that is ten times the amount of people who regularly watch baseball. Revenue from Internet porn exceeds by nearly a 2 to 1 ratio, the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC. The current estimate is there are over 4 million pornographic websites representing almost 400 million pages of pornographic material. Pornography is not just for men to view in the wee hours of the morning but also for women. More than 70% of porn is downloaded during normal business hours of 9 am to 5 pm.

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