
Port Huron Statement Thesis Statement

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In the political manifesto, The Port Huron Statement, it was written by college students, who created there ideals for a Democratic Society and expressed their views in the America they lived in. The Huron Statement mainly addresses the main and lessor problems that America was facing during this time. When the Port Huron Statement was written, people were getting over the Cold War, still fearing it after how it left many Americans. As well the racism happening in the South. The Students for a Democratic Society sought to see after the values of people after noticing that they weren’t given the chance if they wanted to participate in the decision making of their American Government.

Furthermore, this called for a demand of action after wealthy men wouldn't help individuals who were in poverty, instead giving their money to Gun business corporations to support the military. The wealthy were afraid that those oppose of their values for America would not benefit them in the coming years. This led the Student for a Democratic Society to write the Port Huron Statement about the economic and political institutions and criticize them for their social conditions during this time. They wanted to create …show more content…

In the recent months, the government has been scrambling trying to resolve the situation that illegal immigrants who were brought into the United States at a young age and not be deported. These illegal immigrants are called Dreamers, who are fighting for a DACA plan for them to stay in the United and still be able to receive an education and have a chance at getting a job as well. Throughout reading the Port Huron Statement, I wondered what the Student for a Democracy Society would think if Dreamers should be allowed to receive an education (DACA) and an American

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