
Portrayal Of Women In Rap Music Essay

Decent Essays

How Are Women portrayed in Music? There are many social influences that are impacted by music. I believe that one of these social influences that are greatly impacted by music is how women are treated and looked at. There are so many genres of music now days that talk about women in a very degrading manner. I genre that is notorious for this is rap music. I love rap music and it’s probably one of my favorite genres of music however, I seem to always cringe every time I hear the word "bitch" or "hoe" within a rap song. Women being sexualized and talked down upon in music has got so bad that people don’t even think twice about it and almost every rap song has a negative reference to women at least once. Even when the lyrics don’t necessarily …show more content…

Now days i don’t believe Rap has made any improvement with the way women are talked about. For example, there is a new upcoming rapper by the name of Tekashi sixty-nine, and he has a song titled "Gummo." In this song Tekashi says, "I only want the jaw, Man that’s really all I use her for, I kick her out the door I don’t want her, you can keep the whore. She fiending for some more." In this song he continues to talk down upon women as well as glorify gangs. This sort of language towards women makes me super upset and is the reason i wanted to write this essay. Many kids look up to people like this and with social media these people are even more influential. These men are flaunting there money and acting like they have a bunch of different girls. To young girls this shows that it’s okay to be treated like that and they have money and are famous so they can treat you however, and it’s teaching young boys that you can treat women like this and it will have positive outcomes. Rappers and musicians in general need to realize the impact they have on society and be more careful with their word

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