
Positioning the Viewer in Frontline to Receive a Particular Version of Telling the Truth

Decent Essays

Positioning the Viewer in Frontline to Receive a Particular Version of Telling the Truth

All composers of texts position the responder of that text to view their version of the truth in different ways. In the case of Frontline, Rob Stitch and his team position the viewers using a satirical documentary style approach to mock low brow journalism and indeed real life current affairs programs. The easily accessible medium of television encourages the responder to interrogate the events as reality and suggest they are a dramatic reconstruction of events.

Through the documentary style on television the Frontline team position to viewer to accept the images presented as reality. Although Frontline …show more content…

For example, in the episode "We ain't got Dames" the fact that Mike is presented as such a fool undermines the credibility of the process of telling the truth. In the episode, crude noises are put onto Mike's computer, with him unable to fix the problem or stand up to Marty who did it. Furthermore, this foolishness presented by the host of the program undermines the media's authority as an institution to tell the truth. Even Mike's very appearance seems to be ridiculous, for example his hair. Mikes hair is fashioned by hairspray to look perfect, which looks ridiculous. Craig Reucassel and Chris Taylor who are presented as anchors on CNNNN are also caricatures of real hosts. They, like Mike, exaggerate mainly gestures and on screen reactions to stories to make them, appear to be sincere, yet at the same time exposing the insincerity of the institution.

Moreover, media institutions can pick stories to determine their infotainment value, or their usefulness to the people in power. This is most apparent in the Frontline episode "Smaller fish to fry" where a big fish is presented to Mike Moore yet he cannot chase it because of the interests of the station from upstairs. This is a prominent example of a media institution choosing a news story because of the effect it would have on the rich and powerful that controls

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