
Social Media Isn T All Bad For Kids By Kelly Wallace

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Social Media Madness
Social media sites are a few of the most visited sites every day. Everyone wants to know what everyone else is up to. People can follow their favorite celebrities every move and see what their friends are doing with every update. Few people go days without checking their online profiles on popular social media sites such as, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Many people joined these networks to keep up with old friends from the past and keep contact with everyone in their life and young people use them every day to check status updates and post selfies. In the article, " The upside of selfies: Social media isn't all bad for kids", Kelly Wallace claims that social media has a positive effect on young people. However, research shows that social media impacts young people’s emotional health negatively.

Article Summary and Analysis
The author of “The upside of selfies: Social media isn’t all bad for kids”, Kelly Wallace, states that there are positive effects of social media on young people. She uses the source of another mom to say that social media can build self-confidence because of all of the positive comments on photos and posts. Wallace also uses a report by Common Sense Media to say that one in five teens believed that social media made them feel more confident. Wallace also stated that teens believed social media made their friendships better. She quotes KidzVuz co-founder Rebecca Levey to say that another positive effect of social

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