
Positive Psychology: Can We Change Our Negative Thought Patterns

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Positive Psychology: Can we change our negative thought patterns.
Tiffinie Chase
Faulkner University “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature” Marcus Aurelius. This quotes means a lot to me simply because its saying my thoughts have a way of changing my life. It can be for the good or for the bad; it all depends on how I am thinking. We listen to a certain type of music or watch things on TV and don’t realize our subconscious has no way of knowing what is good or bad. I think of it as a sponge and it’s soaking up everything we come in contact with. I have gone through different phases in my life where I had to rely solely on my faith in a higher begin. I have always been taught “death and life lies in the power of the tongue, Proverbs 18:21” and I believe those words to be true. We must be …show more content…

With the proper treatment from her oncologist, support groups and a life plan she is no longer taking medication for depression or anxiety. I believe it’s something inside of us that has to want to change before we can start seeing a difference in life. What the future holds for positive psychology? I believe it is here to stay, the world is changing daily, but we have come across something great for mankind. We must educate ourselves first on how our brain functions and having control over our thoughts. One thing I find helpful is meditation, if we have able to get to a place to clear our minds of the negative thoughts and behaviors around us we would be able to have a better view of the world around us. “Students and society would benefit from greater attention to student wellness, illness prevention, and happiness skills for enhanced resilience (Seligman,

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