
Possessing The Secret Of Joy: An Analysis

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Due to their friends’ emphasis on independence and perseverance, the protagonists learn how to think for themselves and make choices that benefit themselves, rejecting the repressive expectations of a male-dominated culture. First, in The Colour Purple, a strong willed singer, Shug Avery, comes into town deathly ill and due to her beauty, is promptly taken in by Albert. Each day Shug grows stronger, she challenges Albert’s control and his oppression of Celie. In fact, when Albert, Shug and Celie sit down for dinner one evening, Albert decides Shug will not sing at a local club, stressing that his wife would never do such a thing. With a flourish of confidence, Shug responds, “‘[g]ood thing I ain't your damn wife’” (Walker, The Colour Purple …show more content…

Tashi remains haunted by childhood memories, and residual beliefs of oppression even after she painted the rooster on her wall. With only minimal success from weeks of therapy,Tashi and her husband, Adam joke that her therapist, Mzee, is Tashi’s only hope for recovery. Mzee immediately brushes this off by simply stating, “[y]ou yourselves are your last hope” (Walker, Possessing the Secret of Joy 130). This is a crucial moment in Tashi’s recovery, because her trusted therapist reminds her that her life is her own to save and control. He rejects the idea that he will be able to save Tashi from her mental illnesses, because after her control was taken away by an oppressive society, she must learn to be in control of her life. Essentially, Mzee reminds her that she must continue fighting the male-dominated culture no matter the difficulty and she must make choices to benefit herself, including those concerning her recovery. This moment is an incredibly important turning point in Tashi’s recovery as it reinforces to her that she, and she alone, is in control her life, but must think for herself about how she can improve her life and regain control. In fact, Tashi’s best friend, Olivia, believes Tashi’s ability to support herself and …show more content…

With Shug’s financial and emotional support in the beginning of her business venture, Celie is able to realize that she has talents that help her connect to others and gives her a sense of control in her life. In fact, she has a huge influence among her employees, who support her and view her as a role model, succeeding in the world despite all odds. In the end, it is Celie’s interest in creating a business that places her firmly in control of herself, her financial well being and a purpose in everyday life, while giving her the ability to connect with women who understand the difficult path to independence. All of these factors, as well as the overwhelming support of friends, help Celie feel proud, confident and happy with what she has achieved in life. With a huge step towards independence, Celie stops writing letters to God. Throughout the novel, Celie writes God to ask for guidance, will to live and help in difficult times, but now that she has interests that empower her, she addresses her letters to someone else. In a powerful letter to her sister, Celie writes, “I don’t write to God no more. I write to you” (Walker, The Colour Purple 192). Now writing to Nettie, Celie expresses she no longer needs a higher power to pray to, all she needs are the people in her life to tell her stories to. Celie connects with others through her business and her everyday life now that she is not

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