
Post MVA Case Paper

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Indication Post MVA symptoms. History Patient is a 50-year-old-year-old left-handed white male who presents with his wife for evaluation of multiple symptoms that have been present since an MVA in 02/2013. At that time, he was T. boned and his car was totaled. He has amnesia for the event and is unaware whether or not he hit his head. The airbag did deploy. Afterwards, he was confused and noted significant pain in his neck and upper back. Since then, he has had multiple symptoms. He does have involuntary twitching on the right, more than left, both hands, legs, and sometimes feet. He demonstrates one of these twitches and it looks like a focal myoclonic jerk of a limb. These occur on a daily basis. He also has problems with his left thumb and index finger locking up. When he is fatigued, especially when his neck gets tight, he has some problems with word finding, paraphasic errors, and syntax errors. He did see Anthony P. Knox, …show more content…

Mental Status He is alert, attentive, oriented x3. Normal attention and concentration. Normal fund of knowledge. No language errors noted during this exam. Memory testing reveals some problems with short-term memory and amnesia for the event. Patient also was noted to have difficulty following simple and multi-step commands with a slowed comprehension speed. Cranial Nerves Visual fields are full to confrontation. Extraocular muscles intact. PERRLADC. Normal facial symmetry, sensation, and movement. Tongue and uvula are midline. Normal auditory acuity. Normal shoulder shrug. Motor Was 5/5 all four extremities with normal tone. Sensory Was intact to primary modalities with no extinction on double simultaneous stimulation. He did have a subjectively decreased sensation on the right arm and leg compared to the left. Cerebellar Finger-to-nose, heel-to-shin was normal bilaterally. Normal rapid alternating motion. Gait Normal. Negative Romberg. DTRs 1+ throughout. Toes are downgoing.

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