
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome Essay

Decent Essays

The pain one individual went through and the horror that affected the loved ones around them, was so inconceivable, that the idea of life was a thin thread ripping in the middle, hanging on by almost nothing. No one wants to be with a person whose body has been violated and beaten, they’re looked at differently, they’re seen as a different person, they’ll never be the same. Slavery made a lasting mark on what is considered justice versus what could be. Slave masters went off their chains at times when it came to the beating of a slave. There was no remorse for these men, if something needed to be done, in their eyes it was going to be done, and their mark was going to be made.
Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary wrote a novel by the name of Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing, it is the PTSD of slavery and it still affects African Americans today. “...In spite of all our forbears who worked to survive and gain their freedom; in spite of the efforts of all those who fought for civil rights’ we are continually being socialized by this society to undervalue ourselves, to undermine our own efforts and, ultimately, …show more content…

The Union didn’t just fight to abolish slavery, but to defend a race, to protect the soon to be american people. Slaves had been living amongst whites since the start, since the first slave was set free and the Confederates hated the idea of being equal to the same people that they have been beating for the last couple centuries. The filthy individuals, whom they consider to be worse than scum holding hands with their women, it seriously disturbing for them to think that it was ever possible, for every race to be equal. After the war not everything was perfect, all the slaves had been freed, but they still weren’t treated the same as the white, until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended all state and local laws requiring

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